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cz party  --  program  |  ethical code  |  statutes  |  downloads


As a member you contribute to the basic infrastructure of our activities. You receive our newsletter with all information about things coming and running.

Every year, members are called to our annual assembly to discuss our activities and goals, and to decide on them.
Further they give their consent to the allocation and use of funds, they control in full transparency according to the accounting and reporting standards of Switzerland.
Should you be unable to attend in person, you may vote by mail.

Annual reports and all other information are available in full to all members and supporters.

You may read our by-laws here:
- by-laws *
and download them here:
- by-laws.pdf * (Acrobat)
- by-laws.doc * (MS Word)

How to register - find out here:
- register *
and download the registration form here:
- register.pdf * (Acrobat)
- register.doc * (MS Word)
or register on-line here:
- register on-line *



* in preparation

Kindly contact us with your questions about membership
- contact

You may support our activities and/or cooperate even more closely as a supporter
- supporters

cesta zmeny international