MEDIATIONMediation allows for an out-off-court settlement of disputes between two or more parties, by an active cooperation among an independent expert (mediator) and the parties seeking a settlement. A mediation process is - as a rule - faster, more efficient a therefore less costly than the procedure of arbitration. Only when meditation should not lead to a satisfactory solution, an arbitration may follow as a second step. We encourage you to include in your contracts and agreements the corresponding clauses. You may download them here:
We operate the mediation services together with SEC Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe. CONTACT US
IMPORTANT - Do not forget to include your full name and address, as well as your e-mail, in the body of your message. We do not want to miss your data, and thus the opportunity to reply you. Thank you.
MEDIATORS IN CEEMilan Glisic, Prof. Ph.D B.Sc. Arch. Michal Malacka, Mgr. Vice Dean |
MEDIATORS IN SWITZERLANDJacques Bonfils, attorney Werner H. Grauwiler Jana Hrebik, lic.iur. attorney Peter Huwyler Michal Kobsa, lic.iur. attorney Franco Masoni, attorney and notary Hans-Ulrich Mazenauer, lic.oec.HSG J. Mischa Mensik, lic.iur. attorney Tomas Poledna, PD Dr.iur. attorney Arno Rolny-Roth, lic.iur. dipl.Steuerexperte Vladimir J. Rott, EUR ING ETH Roger Unterberger |