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Schweizerische Slowakische und Tschechische akademische Alumni
Alumni académiques slovaques et tchèques suisses
Alumni accademici cecchi e slovacchi svizzeri

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SCSAA – Swiss Czech and Slovak Academic Alumni

Become a founding member 


    Join online:


    And kindly note at the bottom of the web page form, under "Bemerkungen – Was wir noch ueber Sie wissen sollten": Founding member of SCSAA Swiss C+S Academic Alumni

     become a member...»

    Or, when already available, tick the SCSAA box there (under "Mitgliedsverein oder Alumnigruppe waehlen / Primaermitgliedschaft"):
    If already member of an ETH Alumni group you wish to keep as your "primary" one, you are invited to join the SCSAA group as well, tick the "additional group" box there (under "Mitglied werden oder Mitgliedschaft aendern"):
     Ich bin schon Mitglied und moechte zusaetzlich Mitglied eines Mitgliedsvereins oder einer Alumnigruppe werden
  2. ...FOUNDING...
    The initial founding event took place at ETH Zurich on 14 December '07. On 26 April '08 the Alumni delegates' assembly shall welcome us as a new ETH Alumni group.
    Until then you may join us as a founding member. Afterwards as an equally welcome regular one.

    Keep being updated, informed

    If already an ETH Alumni member (see
    1.), you may wish – next to other, printed, infos – to be notified by e-mail. Set your options at
    myalumni.ethz.ch (NOTE: some options are either/or – printed/e-mail).
    For a more active exchange, join the SCSAA Goggle e-mail group
    (our SCSAA group's
    e-mail – click to get it)

    ...join the SCSAA Goggle group by e-mail


    enter your e-mail:  

    ...or at the SCSAA Google group's website

About membership

ETH ALUMNI MEMBER a regular Alumni of the ETH Zurich is:
  • a graduate or postgraduate of ETH
  • or of EFPL or of any other university with at least 2 semesters at the ETH Zurich
  • a PhD of the ETH
  • a university professor, or lecturer, or researcher with at least 2 semesters at the ETH Zurich

    see ETH Alumni website: "Wer ist ein ETH Alumni?"

SCSAA MEMBER a member of the SCSAA Association is:

  • a similarly qualified academic of any Swiss university
  • a similarly qualified academic of a foreign university, based in Switzerland or with a Swiss background

    of Czech or Slovak origin, or with interest in Czechia or Slovakia


Become a founding member ...» 

about membership ...»


Can Czechia fly? Can Slovakia fly? ...»

an Indian perspective...
a new Indian phenomenon...

...also a C+S perspective?
...a new C+S phenomenon?


...questions, problems?
...contact us by e-mail

...report your problems with online registration, or with the Alumni online database, to Fabian Eckermann by e-mail

The SCSAA Association is hosted courtesy of ETH Alumni.

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