c e s t a z m e n y . n e t  -  n e w s   |  

z h 0 2 0 1  -  h o m e   |      
e m e r g i n g  e u r o p e a n  d e m o c r a c i e s  -  z u r i c h  2 5  j a n  0 2  -  i n v i t e   |      
p r o g r a m   |      
r e g i s t e r   |      
f u r t h e r  p r o j e c t s   |      


Contemporary Democracy Systems
Workshop in Prague, '03

The goals of this workshop are:
  • to initialize a working group of Czech (and Slovak) experts
  • their cooperation with renowned European institutions
  • leading to the foundation of DDC - Democracy Competence Center

DCC - Democracy Competence Center

with the following tasks:
  • make the European democratic expertize, competence and experience available, including the potential of future development
  • communicate with both experts and laymen
  • monitor (and rank) sources and media, their level of knowledge and competence
  • cooperate with renowned institutes, institutions in Europe

d e m o k r a c i e . n e t